Minggu, 29 September 2019

Learn Spanish

Danies: ! Hola! Que tal?
Amanda : Mue bien! Mira. Te precento una amiga.
Danies : ¡Hola! Me illamas Danies, como te illamas?
Inda : Me Illamas Inda
Danies : Inda.. Inda.. eres Francese?
Inda : No, soy Argentina de Santa,  Y tu? De donde eres?
Danies : Soy Brasileno
Inda : Mucho gusto!
Danies : Encontado!
Amanda : Bueno, tengo que irme,  ¡adiĆ³s!
Danies : Hasta luego!
Inda : Adios!.

Minggu, 22 September 2019


By: Riska

Terkadang saya bingung untuk memulai karena bagi saya memulai adalah hal menantang, karena begitu banyak hal yang harus ditaklukkan seperti melawan rasa malas, dan untuk konsisten terhadap yang digeluti dengan tujuan sebagai tangga mencapai keberhasilan dari yang ditargetkan.

Saat saya berusaha untuk fokus berbagai godaan pun muncul, teman-teman yang hari-harinya diwarnai dengan ngetrip, acara kapurun, ayam palekko, nonton bareng, hangout bareng dan lain sebagainya yang ramai dibahas di group whatsapp diriku hanya bisa mem readnya dan berusaha untuk menahan berbagai giuran yang tidak jarang membuat sedih.

Namun lagi dan lagi saat aku melihat  postingan orang-orang yang hebat bisa apply scholarship keluar negeri jiwa semangataku kembali bangkit dan berusaha kembali belajar bahasa Inggris serta membaca buku karena keinginan yanga begitu kuat ditambah semangat yang selalu kudapatkan dari berbagai kegiatan yang kuikuti sehingga semangat tetap berkobar dan dari sekian banyak teori yang kutemukan inti dari semuanya adalah bertindak dan konsisten.

Selasa, 17 September 2019

K Fadlan Genealogi Islam Nusantara

Adalah sebuah istilah warisan inspirasi dari K. H abdurrahman wahid
Perintis tafsir abdullah bin umar imam malik bin anas.
Manisfestasi itu coraknya
Imam malik corak tradisional
Imam abu hanifa:bagdad irak peradaban mesapotanio babilonia cara berfikirnya rasional liberal
Indinesia itu masyarakat komunal
Baca sejarah Bali
Sejarah Bone 1925 ditaklukkan Belanda
Negara kontinental kayak cina arab dlln
Ibada mahda sama dengan

17 November 2019 by Rocky Gerung

Berfikir Kritis
Tanda berfikir kritis adalah pernah berfikir
Menggeleng tanda argumen bukan karena
Mengajukan pertanyaan yang tepat
Sehingga menemukan jawaban yang tepat.
Selama ada polisi belum aman
Menganalisis mengkrik sama denga membedah
Argumen menjadi kuat jika dihajar dengan
Metodologi adalah mata uang universitas.
Kalau tuntas dalam berfikir maka anda tidak akan ragu mengambil tindakan
Devils advocate. Kritical thinking
Sebelum demo lakukan dulu DA.

Melihat dunia untuk Indonesia

Jumat, 06 September 2019

Acts of violence from one of the students' parents towards one of the teachers in elementary school

By: Riska

Reported News from Baca.co.id that, an incident of violence committed against the teacher at an elementary school in Gowa, South Sulawesi
This act of violence was triggered by students involved in a fight with their classmates, a teacher has broken up a fight between students, but the parent of the student didn't accept that, she's entering the classroom and hit the teacher. Now the parents of the student have been in police station serving a sentence for his actions

Selasa, 03 September 2019

Seniors said welcome my Juniors

These days most of Campus had welcome for the new students. A lot of Senior introducing their habits to the new students.
Ranging from subtle till rough way, recently information was reported from Tv station that, there are some senior who do the bad things to a new student or junior such as ask junior to drank their spit or something like that. Well, the action was reported to the parties. So the bad senior must be punished.

In my campus. There was a colourful bulletin board and it was covered by many of organization events.

So, we must know that we are living in Indonesia, well you must accept the difference.


By: Riska

Politic is an art and science of  the way  for getting the power of the people and position. Politic come from that Dutch Politics and English politics, each of which come from the Greek is Politica related to the state. With its root words Polites countries.  Generally history of politic to be focus on events related of state and process with the states. According to Hegel politic that opinion about the power, moral, and spiritual in outside the subject matter. Politic has important in era right now.

Tolerance in organizations

By: Riska

Since a long time ago organization is important. Organization has been a role in a cadre. In Indonesia, there are many such as PMII, IMM, HMI, WAHDAH, etc. Well, we must instil the values of tolerance. Because we are Indonesian.

New Students 2019 at Islamic state university Alauddin Makassar Monday, 2nd 2019

By: Riska

In the early morning,  I woke up and open the door. I heard someone shout from Campus. And then I try to see what happen on campus from my terrace
Senior and junior arrange the line. Senior handle the junior and there is a rule on them. Like they cant coming late and they must wear white and black..
The students must obey all of the rules.

Sekilas Sejarah Kemerdekaan Indonesia masa silam dan masa kini

 Salam Sejarah.. Hi NiCE ReaD Setiap tanggal 17 Agustus diperingati sebagai Hari Kemerdekaan Bangsa Indonesia. Namun, apakah kita suda benar...