Selasa, 31 Desember 2019

Happy New Year 2020


Sumber gambar:

Every beginning of the year, both the Hijri year and the year of Christ even every time everyone wants it, a positive change, better than the previous one. So much hope is desired, so much perfection is desired.

No wonder that at the beginning of the year adults were partying, arguing, and so happy that were set aside for a variety of reasons, both those who opposed the Shari'a even in the gathering event. Instead it was created as a venue for Muslim and Christian participation which naturally related to the celebration of the new year.

That's how the dramas that unfold each year. However, as a human being created by Allah. let us always remember, be grateful ourselves in debt may always be on the path of being blessed and kept away from things that can damage the person of any nation Aminn..

Let us together promise and keep promises. Starting from things that are small like the right time to do something, because at this time about consistent habits in jam in Indonesia Indonesia must become a culture that must be changed immediately because this is not very good. Come together hand in hand, help in the community, even the nation and state.

 Eliminating bad traits, making them good prejudices because the real extraordinary things can be achieved because it all starts from small things that are positive.

* Wednesday 1 January 2020 * Rajaya Village, South Polongbangkeng District, Takalar Regency

Dear Isra Alfiana and Wahyuddin

🌹🌸Aku mengenalmu tanpa sengaja dalam jagad KKN, hari-hari yang kulalui bersamamu,  membuat dekapan rasa perlahan hadir.

Perlahan..raga dan batin ini luluh dari perhatian yang kau berikan,   seakan mengajak untuk meramu rasa secara bersama.

Fikirku..kau baik, perhatian,  merawat tanpa pamri, asyik pun tegas dalam mengurai sebuah masalah.
Raut di wajahmu begitu manis dalam canda tawa yang kau tepihkan pada drama-drama di posko KKN.

*Takalar, 31 Desember 2019

Overview of Opinion

By: Riska

Too many people I meet, in looking at things do not use feelings. they judge only rely on the mind that originated and ignore the feelings of others. they will understand the taste when they feel firsthand, "I thought with an annoyed face"

Only with an attitude of patience and sincerity that can be a counterweight in the face of the various dramas they show. Must be strong ignoring tears, show that we are strong, we can do something and benefit many people. basically the spirit is OK

*Takalar, Tue Dec, 31 2019

Senin, 30 Desember 2019


 * Riska

The existence of a meeting and the desire to save a hope of sowing together, weaving stories in mahligai. Loving and loving is the request of Him, sincerity pledges the oath in the embrace of His name Hoping to be together always at one time, even separation in time.  All can be maintained by the word faithfulness that is shaded with honesty completing the story in half the life that is passed.


One thing that makes me happy, happy. I don't feel like going up from the water / swimming pool. I really like.

At a glance my mind said, was it because I was an islander, a child living among thousands of islands and seas was the first sight or vehicle recorded in memory when I was a child, and now began to wander in people's homes.

Children of the island that are identical with the sea, can swim is a figure that is attached to the self of most residents on the island and sometimes others think we are weak if we as an island child can not swim.

My fondness for swimming is a reason I cannot express through word online. However, it can only be answered and revealed instinctively from someone who experienced a life journey as dramatic as my story.

#Like swimming #Love the pool #Lovers of the sea #Lovers of Indonesia #Hoby swimming Tue, Dec 31, 2019.

Promise is a promise

By: Riska

There are many stories that I want to write on every page of my story, but for some reason every time I want to start writing, feeling lazy, it always comes next. Maybe next year I will try to write and force myself to finish every writing in 1 day or in 1 night.

I'm sure Every process that starts from the little things will fulfill the big things too.
The stories are about travel stories both experiences that have been passed with friends and experiences that were passed by yourself alone.

All stories told coherently will become meaningful pages to be useful experiences in life. Later, right, you will basically inspire, If you need to remind me in the comments column at any time to share the story in the sheets set forth in a beautiful writing

Let's get the spirit okay!

Kamis, 12 Desember 2019

Celoteh Dunia Modern

Celoteh Dunia Modern

Dunia modern membuat segala sesuatu memiliki reduksi waktu baik dalam pengenalan, penghayatan pun tindakan dalam rana proses.
Dunia modern selain kecanggihan yang dibawahnya membuat insan pun tergilas olehnya

Dunia modern melahirkan sebuah istilah yang begitu memakau sebut saja "Millenial". Ringkasnya adalah generasinya yang serba instan. Bukan hanya dari segi jajanan tapi merembes pada seluruh aspek tindakan manusia.

Dunia modern melahirkan generasi lintas ruang dan waktu. Sebagai contoh Dahulu untuk memperoleh informasi harus menunggu beberapa waktu untuk merembes keseluruh line masyarakat, dahulu untuk mengetahui tingkat pelajaran harus ulet dan tekun berkunjung ke rumah pengajar, dahulu untuk berjualan harus mengayuh sepeda kepasar, dan sebagaianya namun sekarang cukup satu media semua dapat ter akses secara bersama sebut saja Hand Phone. Itulah andalan jari tangan anak " Millenial" saat ini.

Namun, selain berjuta manfaat yang dibawanya. Dunia modern pun membawa implikasi yang cukup menghancurkan regeranasi di zamannya bila tak mampu mengendalikan kesadaran oleh riuhnya percaturan media, dan hal itu telah terjadi saat ini.

#Kelurahan Polongbangkeng Selatan#Takalar
#12 Desember 2019
#Celoteh Dunia Modern

Rabu, 04 Desember 2019

Rinduku Itu Egois


Kala raga tak bersua
Berbatas ruang dan waktu
Pun kau tak berada disampingku menyaksikan canda tawa yang kuguraukan dalam riuhnya kisah kita

Saat itulah aku termenum dan bercengkrama dalam diam, entah ke mana rampunan huruf-huruf yang kuurai dalam lisan tak bersuara. Saat ini hanya ada satu hal yang dapat kuperbuat yaitu me-Rindu..

Sebenarnya rindu, hehee  namun enggang tuk menyapa
Karena bagiku rindu itu riuh yang harus dituntaskan dalam diam
Olehnya itu kulebih baik diam daripada menyapamu terdahulu hehee

#04.12.2019.Kelurahan Barugaya
#Kabulaten Takalar

Sekilas Sejarah Kemerdekaan Indonesia masa silam dan masa kini

 Salam Sejarah.. Hi NiCE ReaD Setiap tanggal 17 Agustus diperingati sebagai Hari Kemerdekaan Bangsa Indonesia. Namun, apakah kita suda benar...